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When you purchase a tree with ACD you are contributing to a local cause. ACD partnered with South West Michigan Land Conservancy (SWMLC) for our 2023 Seedling Sale. SWMLC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit land conservancy created in 1991. SWMLC works in nine counties of Southwest Michigan to preserve wild and scenic places for today - and keep them healthy for tomorrow.


'We are so thankful for the generous support of the Allegan Conservation District towards our brand new Armintrout-Milbocker Nature Preserve in the City of Allegan!

We wholeheartedly embrace ACD's mission of helping all land users wisely manage the natural resources of Allegan County. As one of those resource managers, SWMLC is committed to managing both a healthy ecology and meaningful community relationships with the preserve. This fund supports everything from maintaining our universal access trail and signage system that includes an accessible parking area, benches and limestone trails, as well as our efforts to make the land and water here as healthy as possible. Our current habitat initiatives include garlic mustard management, invasive woody plant control and restoring oak woodlands on site with prescribed fire and canopy thinning that will help us revive rare plants and oak tree regeneration. '         - SWMLC Stewardship Director Mitch Lettow

Quantities and species are limited. Orders will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Pick up orders TBA.


Print and and complete the Tree Seedling Sale Order Form. Orders are due by TBA.

Return your completed order form and payment by email, mail, or by dropping it off at our office.

Order forms are available in the office by request.


Office Address: 1668 Lincoln Road, Allegan, MI 49010

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